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In order to create a request ticket in the UNC Laundry Tickets application, a chartfield string must be entered for billing purposes. Since a chartfield string is made up of many components, there are two methods for saving entered chartfield strings so they can be used again on subsequent uses of UNC Laundry Tickets.

Single Sign-OnThe Customer Billing Management (CBM) application is located at The application uses the standard UNC Single-Sign On system.

The screen below is similar to what is displayed for those who have access to CBM. The menu option at the far left is labeled “My Favorite Chartfield Strings.” First-time CBM users will not have any saved favorites.

Customer Billing Management Main Screen

Click the Create New Favorite button to start the process of adding a new favorite.
Create a New Favorite
The center section of the screen is where the chartfield string will be entered. There are 12 pieces of information, including the name you assign to your favorite. Other systems besides UNC Laundry Tickets use your created favorite chartfield strings, and any favorites you have created for any system, not just those for UNC Laundry Tickets, will be listed. Make sure to give your favorite a name that can be recognized later.

Required Data

Completed New Favorite Chartfield StringThe Business Unit, Fund Code, Department and Fund Source fields are always required to create a favorite chartfield string, while Program and the three Cost Code fields are optional. Any or all of the three Cost Code fields can be used in combination. Chartfield strings that are used for projects must have the Project, Activity and PC BUnit (Project Business Unit) fields completed in addition to the standard required fields. The Program and three Cost Code fields may be supplied for projects as well.

Upon clicking the Save New Favorite button, the chartfield string combination will be validated.
Validated Chartfield String Favorite

If the chartfield string validated successfully, a message will be displayed at the top of the “My Favorites” box, and the new favorite will appear in the list at the left. A message similar to the following will appear if the chartfield string does not validate:
Chartfield String Save Error

Click the Close button, or hit the Esc key on the keyboard, to continue to make corrections based on the error. Questions should be directed to the billing contact for the specific Laundry Account.

Saved Chartfield StringsTo edit a previously created chartfield string, click on the name of that string from the favorites list. Make the appropriate changes and click the Validate Chartfield button to validate your string. If the string is valid, a screen similar to the one below will appear:
Valid chartfield string message
The right side of the “My Favorite Chartfield Strings” screen shows user preferences. By default, CBM users receive a nightly email after their chartfield strings are checked as part of a nightly re-validation. To opt out of these emails, click the Do NOT Send Validation Error Emails checkbox.

Below is an example of an email that is received for invalid chartfield strings.
Invalid chartfield string email

UNC Laundry Tickets application
The Charging Account drop-down list from within UNC Laundry Tickets also provides access to previously saved chartfield strings. Expanding that drop-down list will display any chartfield strings that have been saved from within CBM.
Saved chartfield strings
To use a previously saved chartfield string, click on the name of the desired string and then collapse the drop-down list. The name of the favorite will be displayed as the Charging Account.
Selected charging account
Adding a New Chartfield String
If the desired chartfield string does not appear in the list of previously saved chartfield strings, click the plus sign to the right of the Charging Account list. A new browser tab will open to the Customer Billing Management (CBM) website, where a new favorite chartfield string can be added and saved.
New browser tab at CBM
Click the Create New Favorite button to add a new favorite chartfield string:
Newly added favorite chartfield string
Once all new favorite chartfield strings have been added, log out of CBM, close the new browser tab, and return to UNC Laundry Tickets. In UNC Laundry Tickets, click the refresh symbol to the left of the Charging Account list to see any newly added favorite chartfields:
Refresh chartfield list
The new chartfield string can then be selected, and the remainder of the ticket can then be completed:
Choose new chartfield string
From a selected ticket within Print My Saved Tickets, the saved chartfield string information will display onscreen:
Saved chartfield information
The chartfield information is also visible on the printed ticket:
Printed ticket with chartfield information

Additional Notes

  1. The billing contact or accounting person for a UNC Laundry Number will provide the appropriate chartfield string for a UNC Laundry Ticket. That information does not come from UNC Laundry Services.
  2. A chartfield string isĀ required to save a Laundry Ticket.
  3. Customer Billing Management can be used separately from the UNC Laundry Tickets application to manage favorite chartfield strings. A UNC Laundry Ticket does not have to be created first; favorite chartfield strings can be entered in advance.